Saturday, January 4, 2014

Small Actions Big Impacts

The beginning of a new year is a reflect-y kind of time. This new year, I have spent a lot of time thinking about the people who have impacted my life. It's so interesting to me how many people over the years end up having a hand in making you who you become.

Some are obviously impactful, like family members. Others are less obvious, and you may not even realize how much they touched you until years later when they aren't even in your life anymore.

One day, while I was living in Chicago during my time with Mission Year, I was hanging out at Panera. This was my usual hangout on Mondays (my only day of the week to spend to myself). This freezing cold Chicago day I remember sitting there, watching enviously as person after person came in and purchased coffee, hot chocolate, hot tea, etc. I just happened to be out of my personal allowance money for the month, and I was on the phone with a friend back home whining about my lack of hot beverage. I guess someone around me heard because when I got off the phone a sweet lady bought me a cup of coffee. It was a small act of kindness but it was a HUGE deal to me. I was so grateful and so touched. I don't even know that nice lady's name but she taught me to be aware of the struggles of those around me and help out when I can.

Some people have impacted me for the good. They have taught me important lessons and helped me grow in really big ways. Some people have left a few scars. These people are usually unintentional in their actions, but the damage is done just the same.

Having a child makes you spend a lot of time thinking about that child's future. I think about who he will grow up to be. What kind of personality will he have? What things will he be interested in? What great things will he do? It's incredibly terrifying to think about my role in who he will become. I am partly responsible for making sure that he doesn't turn into a horrible person... it gets a little overwhelming when I really start to think about it.

The funny thing is, I should care about my impact on everyone I come across as much as I care about my impact on Noah. I should be intentional about my interactions and the effect that words and actions have on people.

I am going to strive to live more intentionally this year. I want to use my words intentionally. I want to use my actions intentionally. I want to love people intentionally and not just the people that share my DNA. Every person that comes into my path.

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
-Mother Teresa

In what ways big or small have you been impacted by someone? In what way are you going to impact others in 2014?  

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