Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Little Fresh Prince

"Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the"

...Mom of a kid called Noah. 

If you did not stop reading while I was being a nerd, I will tell the story of how our little unplanned bundle of joy came to be. Brandon and I got married in March. And, like any wise couple, we had already discussed when we wanted to start our family. We thought that between 3 and 5 years would be a good amount of time. In that time we would get on our feet financially, probably purchase a home, travel, and do other kid-free things.

God had other plans for us. In July of 2012 I peed on a stick and to my surprise that stick said "Hey! You are going to be someone's mom in 9 months." And all of a sudden life got real. Money? Who needs money? Home ownership? Overrated! And hey! We had 9 long months to get all of those kid-free activities out of our system. I don't have an actual picture of what Brandon's face looked like when I shared the news with him but here is a recreation of it.

We were unsure about a lot of things during my pregnancy. Brandon did not have a full-time job yet. We did not know where we were going to live when the baby got here. How were we going to pay for things? How do you raise a human-being to become an at least half way decent person? AAAAAAHHHHHH! Scary stuff. 

What we were sure of was that God is bigger than all of our uncertainty. I'm not saying that we always did a good job of trusting in him during those scary days but when it came down to it we both believed that God had a plan and that he would take care of us. We also are blessed with an amazing support system. We have a lot of family who all love us very much. 

Even though we had our doubts at times God answered every single one of our prayers. Brandon got hired at an advertising agency full time 2 months before Noah was born. We found a house to rent that we love 1 month before Noah was born. And as far as knowing how to raise a human being, unfortunately he did not come out with the instruction manual that we prayed for, but we are learning as we go. Besides how could someone as cute as this be that hard to handle anyway? (She naively said on her first day of motherhood).

That tiny little bundle has been the biggest blessing in our life. I am so glad that I get to spend 3 to 5 more years with him than I had originally planned. Now, 9 months later, we are starting to somewhat get our life back under control after the explosion of having a new baby but every day when I look at this little creation that God threw into our lives I am reminded that there is no way that Brandon and I can handle this task on our own. He is God's. We are only here for God to use to guide his path. He is my constant reminder that I am not in control and I don't need to be. God's plan is always better than my own. I mean look at this awesomeness!

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