Noah has grown so much in the last month. I blinked and my tiny little baby became a gigantic looking toddler. He is starting to look more like a kid and less like a baby. Just take a look at that transformation!
As we get closer and closer to the day that I cannot talk about without bursting into tears (the first birthday). I have been thinking about what life with a toddler is going to be like. I can't wait for him to really start talking. I am anxiously awaiting the many hilarious and cute things are going to come out of his mouth.
Inevitably he will sometimes say some embarrassing things. As the saying goes, "kids say the darndest things". I have heard many horror stories about my friends being in public with their kids, so full of curiosity and wonder, when out of their mouth comes a super loud question about the size of someone standing within earshot... Yikes! I can't wait to share those stories with you when the time comes.
Let's not forget, however, that though they may be tiny, infants can create some pretty awkward situations, too. I have compiled a list of my favorite embarrassing baby situations to date.
1. The baby did it.
Our very first time at church with Noah was Easter Sunday last year. He was about 2 weeks old and we were so excited to show off our brand new baby. During a very quiet prayer Noah let out the longest, loudest, (wettest) fart you have ever heard. I mean it sounded like it came from a grown man and definitely not from the tiny little thing that we were holding. We just smiled and with very red faces hopefully assumed that everyone knew it was the baby. Of course this situation has happened several times since then, and eventually I guess you become so tired that you just don't care (or even actually know) who farted. But there's nothing quite like that first time.
2. I'm sorry my son is grabbing your boob.
A few months ago, Noah and I were at Target, and we ran into a friend of mine. She asked if she could hold him, and while we were chatting, Noah's hand was nonchalantly resting on her chest. She was obviously uncomfortable with my son copping a feel, so she gently moved his hand to a different position. Problem solved, right? Wrong! He moved his hand right back where it was, and this dance continued to go on until she finally just handed him back to me. There will come a day when Brandon and I will have to have a talk with our boy about this issue, but unfortunately he does not quite get it yet.
3. I swear he is VERY sick!
The first time Noah got sick, I did some things that I'm not proud of. Just to give you the highlights: I screamed (more than once in one night) at an overnight call nurse from our pediatrician's office. I stripped Noah and put him in the bath at 3:00 in the morning. And I loaded all of us into the car fully intending to drive to the emergency room until Brandon very calmly talked me into just driving around the block a few times until Noah fell asleep. I was absolutely sure that something horrible was wrong with him. The next morning I was impatiently waiting at the pediatricians office for the walk-in clinic to open. When the doctor came in, I proceeded to tell him all of the terrifying symptoms Noah was having. He just smiled and listened. Meanwhile, Noah was sitting on the table cracking up at his reflection in the mirror and looking as healthy as can be. He was diagnosed with a simple cold and we were sent on our way. In hindsight, I can see that I may have overreacted a little bit.
4. Performance anxiety
Like all newborns, the only "tricks" that Noah could do for the first few months of his life were crying, pooping, and sleeping. Not very exciting. But then that first smile happened and I think I called everyone I knew to tell them about it. It is so exciting to watch him learn how to do something for the first time. And even though no one on earth cares as much as you do that your child learned how reach and grab for his toys, you feel the need to shout it from the rooftop. As obnoxious as it may be, I have on several occasions tried to show off Noah's newest accomplishments, and he rarely if ever performs them when put on the spot. Leaving me looking like an idiot who is trying to pretend like my kid really does know how to point to his mouth.
5. Stranger Danger
When Noah was around 5 months old, he developed a nasty case of separation anxiety. He would scream bloody murder anytime someone other than Brandon or I held him. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without my child having a complete melt-down. It made for some uncomfortable situations when people asked to hold him. I tried to explain to him that it is somewhat offensive to yell in someone's face, but for whatever reason he didn't listen. I was constantly trying to reassure people that it was just a phase and had nothing to do with whoever the poor person was that was just trying to hold my baby. Luckily. he did grow out of it and is now a much friendlier little guy. If you were offended during those days, we do apologize.
We still have a lot of things to teach our son, but how to create an awkward situation is not one of them. But some of the best baby stories come from the times that make you turn bright red from embarrassment.
And as our kids get older, the stories are likely to get even more awkward. So let's get through these less-than-graceful times together. I would love to hear your embarrassing baby stories.