Noah B,
Happy first birthday sweet boy! There is so much that I want to tell you about my love for you and how much you are valued. This first year of your life has been incredible! You are so loved by so many wonderful people but let me take a moment to tell you about my love for you.
The day you were born was one of the best days of my life! It was so exciting to wake up that morning knowing we were going to meet you that day. The hospital waiting room was completely taken over by our family and friends that came to wait for you. We were totally overwhelmed by the huge number of loved ones that came to show us love and support. We knew right then that you were a special guy to be so loved by so many! 16 hours of labor and 1 c-section later and there you were.
That first night in the hospital was surreal. Everyone told me that I should send you to the nursery so I could get some rest, but I didn't listen. I had only just met you and I could not let you go. Shortly after all of the visitors left, your dad went to sleep and I just laid there staring at you. You were perfect. It was a crazy night filled with tears, (probably more mine than yours) learning how to nurse, and no sleep at all. That quiet, dimly lit, hospital room was where I began falling in love with you.
I love the way you look. You are such a wonderful mixture of all of the best traits of our family. You have the most beautiful little face. Your beautiful blue eyes have the power to melt my heart. I love your sweet pouty lips and even that gigantic head of yours :)
I love the way you laugh. Your giggles brighten my day and your cries break my heart!
I love your laid back personality. I love how you just go with the flow.
I love your curiosity and the way you are always quietly trying to figure things out.
I love your curiosity and the way you are always quietly trying to figure things out.
I think its hilarious the way you get nervous when there are a lot of people around but after you warm up to everyone you want to be the center of attention.
I love it when you bring me your toys and books to play with you.
I love singing to you.
I love watching your face light up when your dad comes home from work.
I love singing to you.
I love watching your face light up when your dad comes home from work.
I love seeing that big smile on your face when I come into your room every morning to get you out of bed.
I love watching you get so excited when you see a dog.
I love that you love music and stop what you are doing to dance every time you hear any song.
I love that you love music and stop what you are doing to dance every time you hear any song.
I love watching you sit in your bed talking to yourself after you wake up from a nap.
I love your sweet gentle heart heart. I love the way you see the world.
I love everything about you. Even when you are challenging you are still my second favorite person in the whole world.
God blessed me beyond my wildest dreams when he made me your mommy. You make the world a better place just by being here. God has given you so many wonderful gifts and traits. I am so proud of who you are already and I can't wait to see who you become! You are here for a reason. You have a special purpose. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you.
My prayer for you is that you become a man of God. I pray that you develop a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. I pray that you will be kind, loving, strong, and gentle like your dad. I hope that you will be a leader. That you will be humble. That you will admit when you are wrong and learn from your mistakes. I pray that you will stand for truth, seek justice, and act as a peacemaker wherever you go. I pray for you to know your purpose and stay close to God's plan for your life.
You will never know or understand the love that I have for you! There is nothing you could ever possibly do that could make me love you any less. Thank you for bringing us so much joy, laughter, tears, and happiness.
Your Mama